About us

Community Health Partnerships is a DHSC owned company. Incorporated in 2001 we set out to improve community-based health and social care services by working to improve the NHS estate through public private partnerships established through the NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) programme. Through these joint ventures and working on behalf of the NHS we designed, built, financed and operate a portfolio of over 300 properties. These health facilities provide high quality spaces for health and social care services delivered in local communities, especially in areas of high need.

In 2013 CHP was given Head Tenant responsibilities for 308 properties passed over from the former Primary Care Trusts (PCT). We manage the buildings on behalf of the NHS through our property and operational team. We lease space to over 1300 health and care providers who support tens of millions of patients and service users.

CHP has a unique set of skills and experience in primary and community care infrastructure development, property management and investment portfolio management.

We are a Company with a diverse and distributed workforce with regional offices in Manchester, London and Birmingham. Our properties comprise of 5% of the NHS estate portfolio.

Our Purpose and Vision

As an NHS company working in partnership with local health and care systems, our purpose is to provide innovative and sustainable spaces for patient care.

Our vision is to be a leader in shaping the care environment for locally based services. 

Everything we do is delivered for the NHS and the communities we serve.  Our achievements over the last year include:

  • Elective care recovery
    The NHS faces a significant backlog of elective care built up over the pandemic.  The Delivery plan for tackling the COVID-19 backlog of elective care was published in February 2022. A key initiative to increase diagnostic capacity is the investment in more than 160 community diagnostic centres (CDCs).  We developed an early adopter CDC at Finchley Memorial Hospital which was operational in 6 months, opening in July 2021.  In its first year of operation it has tested over 50,000 patients.
  • Supporting integrated care through estate solutions and partnership working
    Through our Community Integration Programme we have been working closely with local NHS systems to make best use of our clinical spaces and buildings, supporting the Primary Care Network estates requirements, and increasing communication opportunities by bringing all partners together in one forum. We have established 3 pilots during 2021/22. We have reduced unlet space by 2,700 sqm. 
  • Supporting a Greener NHS
    We completed the NHS’s first purpose built low energy health centre in 2021.  We will take the lessons learnt from Foleshill Health Centre and apply it to future health building design.
    We also set out our roadmap to achieve CHP net zero carbon by 2040 through collaborative working with our customers, developing a proactive response to reducing the environmental impact of our buildings. 
  • Buildings at the Heart of Communities
    A key part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy is to maximise community benefit and deliver demonstrable social value throughout our business, ensuring we positively impact the communities in which we operate. Our Buildings at the Heart of Communities initiatives uses our relationship with the wider community to increase focus on social prescribing, inviting Local Authorities, Third Sector Organisations, Community Groups, and Charities to use our buildings for their activities. 
  • Social Value
    We value our social impact, building a partnership with The Social Value Portal to calculate our social value in terms of both CHP’s and our suppliers environmental, social, and economic contributions. 
  • Digital and data
    We will transform our estate to support the delivery of high quality, flexible care to patients; using available digital tools to enable our staff to offer an enhanced service and enabling informed decision making through comprehensive data and implementing a new Property Database to support operational activity and increased assurance on LIFT contract management through improved data, policy frameworks, and compliance reviews.

Our strategic aims

  • Leading the future shape of the care environment of the future, advising on policy as leaders and innovators
  • Working with partners and customers as part of the local integrated systems to provide facilities solutions
  • Delivering sustainable infrastructure offering safe, flexible, well-used and welcoming spaces
  • Providing value for money to our partners
  • Supporting our people to develop and deliver what our customers need

Our Values

Our values are four simple words that underpin our organisational culture and defines how we work at CHP. These are supported by our behaviours framework which sets out what we expect from our people and each other, what our employees can expect from their leaders, and what our customers and partners can expect from CHP.

As a value based organisation we expect our people to live by these values and exhibit them positively in all that they do while working for us and with our customers.







